ࡱ> KMJ ybjbj(( 0@Jh1gJh1gy&&T t(${!fuuu.uuuga~7j0 !/F!!tuu!&X ~: APPLICATION FOR INDEPENDENT STUDIES IN BIOLOGY (Please delete and fill in all areas marked by *) Project Title: * [insert title] Students Name: * [insert name] ID Number: * [insert ID] Students email: Program: * Pre-requisite: BIOL 206 ( ) or BIOL 301 ( ) COURSE(S) FOR WHICH THIS PROJECT REPORT WILL BE CREDITED: CreditsCourse numberTerm Year1 creditBiol 413--readingFallWinterSummer3 creditBiol 377--readingFallWinterSummer3 creditBiol 466--benchFallWinterSummer3 creditBiol 467--benchFallWinterSummer6 creditBiol 468--benchFall and/orWinterSummer9 creditBiol 469--benchFall and/orWinterSummerDEADLINES: Student must submit application to  HYPERLINK "mailto:nancy.nelson@mcgill.ca" nancy.nelson@mcgill.ca at least 3 working days before the end of the add/drop period. Student must register on Minerva using the quick add/drop menu, following approval. Project reports must be submitted by the STUDENT to the SUPERVISOR by the LAST DAY OF LECTURES for Fall and Winter courses, and by AUGUST 15 for Summer courses. The SUPERVISOR must submit the mark sheet to Nancy Nelson 5 days after the last day of classes, or by August 20 for Summer courses. If a project is not completed by the above deadlines, a "K" (incomplete) must be submitted. Supervisor's name: * [insert name] Supervisor's email: * [first.last@mcgill.ca] Supervisor's signature: Co-Supervisor's Name * (if applicable) Co-Supervisor's email address * (if applicable) .. Co-Supervisor's signature * (if applicable) .. Date: * [insert date] The student is responsible for submitting the report to Nancy Nelson electronically.  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