BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T164347EDT-5760VNBJWv@ DTSTAMP:20250312T204347Z DESCRIPTION:Application Deadline: April 13\, 2025\, 11:59PM ET聽- Apply Here !聽\n\n9I制作厂免费 graduate students\, do you have promising research results to solve real-world problems?聽Consider applying as a team to our聽Invention t o Impact training program (I-to-I)聽to advance your research from lab to ma rket!\n\nI-to-I provides tools and training to support researchers to聽tran slate their research to the marketplace and have their solutions benefit s ociety. The program imparts an evidence-based methodology that students an d professors can use for the rest of their careers\, and it also enables t he transformation of inventions to impact.\n\nLearn more!\n\n\nImportant D ates\n\n\n \n \n Date\n Description\n \n \n \n March 2\, 2025\n \n Call for applicat ions聽- Apply here!\n \n \n \n April 13\, 2025聽at 11:59 PM ET聽\n \n Deadline to s ubmit an application\n \n \n \n April 28\, 2025\n \n Decisions made by Engine te am and applicants advised聽\n \n \n May 7\, 2025聽- July 16\, 2025\n Program dur ation: in-person classes will be held at 9I制作厂免费 Engine Centre (Frank Dawso n Adams Building\, room 5) every other Wednesday\, 3:30聽- 5:00pm (ET)\n \n \n\n DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250413 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250413 SUMMARY:Application Deadline: Invention to Impact Training Program Spring 2 025 URL:/biology/channels/event/application-deadline-inven tion-impact-training-program-spring-2025-363717 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR