Introduction to Ubuntu

Workshop series
Computational and Data Systems Initiative
As a Linux-based operating system, Ubuntu is an alternative to MacOS or Windows. It is widely used on server infrastructure and amongst the scientific community. Especially, when you want to work with remote research servers or databases, you might need to know your way around the Linux command line.
At the end of this workshop, you will:
听听 > have a basic understanding of the Ubuntu operating system
听听 > be able to use SSH to log into a remote computer
听听 > be able to work with files and folders
听听 > be able to manage users and permissions
听听 > be able to install and update software
Pre-requisites? None.
Date: Thursday April 7th, 2022.
Time: 1PM to 3PM.
Location: room BH511, inside the Geographic Information Center.
Instructor: Tim Elrick, Faculty Lecturer, Department of Geography.