Three new faculty members will join the Department of Performance in Fall 2023

The Schulich School of Music is proud to announce that, starting in August 2023, three new faculty members will join its Department of Performance:
- Danielle Gaudry, Associate Professor of Instrumental Conducting (Wind Orchestra and Community Engagement)
- M茅lanie L茅onard, Assistant Professor of Instrumental Conducting (Contemporary Music)
- Marina Thibeault, Assistant Professor of Viola
鈥淚t is truly exciting to welcome new colleagues to the Department of Performance,鈥 said St茅phane Lemelin, Chair of the Department of Performance. 鈥淭hese three accomplished musicians bring with them a wealth of professional experience that will enrich our community and contribute to the evolution of training for a new generation of musicians.鈥
Danielle Gaudry, a Schulich School of Music alumna (BMus'00), will be returning to Canada to join us from California State University East Bay, where she has been Director of Bands and Instrumental Music Coordinator for the past 10 years. She has received multiple degrees and diplomas in conducting and music education, including a DMA from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Dr. Gaudry was a member of the Canadian Armed Forces for 14 years and was Director of Music of the Regimental Band of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles from 2002 鈥 2010.
M茅lanie L茅onard holds a doctorate in orchestral conducting from the Universit茅 de Montr茅al and currently leads a full-time career as a conductor. Frequently engaged as a guest conductor for orchestras throughout Canada, she has worked with many leading ensembles and artists. Dr. L茅onard is the Music Director of Symphony New Brunswick and was formerly Music Director of the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra. She has founded three different new music organizations: Ensemble Prima, the Wild West Music Ensemble and the Calgary New Music Festival.
Marina Thibeault is also a Schulich graduate (MMus 鈥16 and DMus 鈥22). In 2016-17, they were the first violist to be named Re虂ve虂lation Radio-Canada Musique Classique. They have performed around the world and have commissioned many new works for viola. Dr. Thibeault has recorded three albums so far; their 2020 album ELLES was nominated for a JUNO award and their album Viola Borealis recently earned the 2023 Juno Award for Best Classical Album. Currently Assistant Professor of Viola at the University of British Columbia, they will be available for private instruction at Schulich as of September 2023.
Congratulations Professors Gaudry, L茅onard, and Thibeault!
Trois nouvelles coll猫gues se joignent au D茅partement d鈥檌nterpr茅tation
L鈥櫭塩ole de musique Schulich est fi猫re d鈥檃ccueillir trois nouveaux membres au sein de son d茅partement d'interpr茅tation :
- Danielle Gaudry, professeure adjointe de direction instrumentale (Orchestre 脿 vent et engagement communautaire)
- M茅lanie L茅onard, professeure adjointe de direction instrumentale (musique contemporaine)
- Marina Thibeault, professeur路e adjoint路e d鈥檃lto
芦 C鈥檈st vraiment excitant d鈥檃ccueillir trois nouvelles coll猫gues au sein du D茅partement d鈥檌nterpr茅tation, 禄 t茅moigne St茅phane Lemelin, directeur du D茅partement d鈥檌nterpr茅tation. 芦 Ces trois musiciennes chevronn茅es am猫nent avec elles des parcours professionnels de haut niveau qui enrichiront notre communaut茅 et contribueront 脿 l鈥櫭﹙olution de la formation de la nouvelle g茅n茅ration de musiciens et de musiciennes. 禄
Danielle Gaudry, une ancienne 茅tudiante de l鈥櫭塩ole de musique Schulich (BMus鈥00), revient au Canada apr猫s 10 ans 脿 la California State University East Bay, o霉 elle 茅tait directrice des groupes musicaux et coordonnatrice de la section musique instrumentale. Elle est r茅cipiendaire de plusieurs accolades acad茅miques dans les domaines de l鈥櫭ヾucation et de la direction musicale et a obtenu son doctorat 脿 la University of Cincinnati College 鈥 Conservatory of Music. De plus, Danielle Gaudry a 茅t茅 membre des Forces arm茅es canadiennes pendant 14 ans. Elle 茅tait alors directrice musicale du Regimental Band of the Winnipeg Rifles.
M茅lanie L茅onard poss猫de un doctorat en direction d鈥檕rchestre de l鈥橴niversit茅 de Montr茅al et elle poursuit une carri猫re comme cheffe d鈥檕rchestre. Elle est souvent invit茅e 脿 diriger des orchestres 脿 travers le Canada et 脿 collaborer avec plusieurs ensembles et artistes de premier plan. M茅lanie L茅onard est actuellement directrice musicale de Symphonie New Brunswick et a 茅t茅 la directrice musicale de l鈥橭rchestre symphonique de Sudbury. Professeure L茅onard a aussi fond茅 trois organismes de musicaux : l鈥橢nsemble Prima, le Wild West Music Ensemble et le Calgary New Music Festival.
Marina Thibeault a compl茅t茅 ses 茅tudes sup茅rieures 脿 l鈥櫭塩ole de musique Schulich (MMus 鈥16 et DMus 鈥22) et sa carri猫re musicale a pris son envol avec grand succ猫s. Nomm茅路e R茅v茅lation Radio-Canada Musique Classique en 2016-2017, l鈥檃ltiste a depuis jou茅 脿 travers le monde et command茅 plusieurs 艙uvres pour alto. Son premier album, ELLES (2020), a 茅t茅 en lice pour un prix JUNO alors que son album Viola Borealis (2023) a remport茅 le prix JUNO dans la cat茅gorie 芦 album classique de l鈥檃nn茅e (grand ensemble) 禄. Marina Thibeault est actuellement professeur路e adjoint路e d鈥檃lto 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 de la Colombie-Britannique et entrera en poste 脿 l鈥櫭塩ole de musique Schulich en septembre 2023.
Nous leur souhaitons la bienvenue au sein de la communaut茅 Schulich !