

"Personal Health Records: a catalyst for positive health care change"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 12:00to13:00
Pine 517 517 avenue des Pins Ouest, Montreal, QC, H2W 1S4, CA

Department of Family Medicine presents:

"Personal Health Records: a catalyst for positive health care change" with Dr. David Chan

This presentation will highlight various types of Personal Health Records (PHR), discuss barriers and potential applications to improve health care.

Dr. David Chan is an Associate Professor with the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University. He worked as a software engineer prior to entering the field of medicine. He has devoted the past 20+ years in developing Free/Open Source Software solutions to enhance patient care. He has developed a set of web-based applications collectively known as OSCAR (Open Source Clinical Applications and Resources). These include an award winning, OntarioMD Certified Electronic Medical Record, a patient controlled personal health record called MyOSCAR, a social networking site called MyDrugRef.org for pharmacists and physicians to exchange drug related knowledge, and an Open Content Clinical Resource Database. He is currently conducting a number of research projects to demonstrate the use of Personal Health Record to improve health outcomes.

Please RSVP to Susanne Gomes (Susanne.gomes [at] mcgill.ca ()) or (514) 398-7375 local 00381#
There is no parking on site due to construction, and parking is limited in the area. Taxis and public transport are advised.

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