

Social Business Lab

Friday, October 1, 2010 09:00to17:00
Bronfman Building 1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 1G5, CA

The Social Business Lab is an event conducted by the Grameen Creative Lab that is meant to accelerate and spread the spirit of social business, as defined by Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize recipient and Managing Director of Grameen Bank. This event hosted by the 9I制作厂免费 World Platform for Health and Economic Convergence and co-sponsored by will draw participants from a variety of sectors, from NGOs to business, from philanthropy to academia, including students, to look at how Social Business can help promote business, social and health innovation and technology to create sustainable health and wealth for all, focusing on nutrition and health, and e-health. The one-day workshop will be conducted from 9 AM to 5:00 PM, with coffee breaks and lunch provided and will be lead by Mr. Hans Reitz, co-founder of the Grameen Creative Lab.

The Morning session will outline the features of the Grameen model of social business, presenting case studies of current initiatives. During the Afternoon session, participants will be divided into groups in order to discuss how they can integrate the principles of Grameen social business into their everyday and strategic agenda.

The event will be inaugurated by Dr. Muhammad Yunus and Mr. Emmanuel Faber who will be presenting the history of their collaboration on Grameen Danone Foods. Mr. Louis Frenette, President and CEO of Danone Canada, will also be invited to present current cutting-edge initiatives conducted by Danone Canada in collaboration with Canadian aboriginal communities. These concrete examples will serve as an inspiration to the participants.

For a detailed program of the day, please .

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