

The Spirit of Democracy: the Global Boom, Recession and Renewal

Thursday, October 23, 2008 16:00to17:30
Leacock Building 855 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 2T7, CA

Larry Diamond is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, professor by courtesy of political science and sociology at Stanford University, founding coeditor of the Journal of Democracy, and codirector of the International Forum for Democratic Studies of the National Endowment for Democracy. He has advised the U.S. Agency for International Development, the World Bank, the United Nations, the State Department, and other governmental and nongovernmental organizations. His latest book, The Spirit of Democracy: The Struggle to Build Free Societies Throughout the World (Times Books, 2008), explores the sources of global democratic progress and stress and the future prospects of democracy. During the first three months of 2004, Diamond served as a senior adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad.

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