

Non-Traditional Trademarks Unplugged — Or Should Trademark Law Protect Aesthetic Product Features?

Lundi, 22 ´Úé±¹°ù¾±±ð°ù, 2016 13:00à14:30
Pavillon Chancellor-Day NCDH 202, 3644, rue Peel, Montréal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA
40$ pour les juristes voulant des heures de formation accréditées.

Le CPPI, en collaboration avec Lallemand Inc., accueille Irene Calboli, Professeure invitée et directrice adjointe fondatrice du Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia à l'école de droit de la Singapore Management University.

La conférencière

[en anglais seulement] Irene Calboli is Lee Kong Chian Fellow, Visiting Professor, and Founding Deputy Director of the Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia at Singapore Management University School of Law. She is also Professor of Law at Texas A&M University School of Law and Transatlantic Technology Law Forum Fellow at Stanford University.

Until May 2015, she was Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore and Professor at Marquette University Law School where she was the Founding Director of the Intellectual Property and Technology Program.

Irene Calboli holds degrees from the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Queen Mary College London. Her most recent books include Diversity in Intellectual Property: Identities, Interests, and Intersections (Cambridge University Press, 2015, edited with S. Ragavan) and The Law and Practice of Trademark Transactions (Edward Elgar, 2016, edited with J. de Werra).

Gratuit et ouvert à tous, Toutefois, des frais de 40$ s'applique pour les juristes désirant recevoir une accréditation pour 1,5 heures de formation continue obligatoire.

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