

HSSL fifth floor renovations underway

Published: 12 January 2009

A range of electronic compact shelving and a completely renovated "quiet study" perimeter will be installed over the Winter Term on the 5th floor of the Humanities and Social Sciences Library (McLennan Library Building).聽 The new electronic compact shelving will enable us to add over 100,000 items to the floor, reduce the shelf height from 8 shelves high down to 7 shelves per section and relieve the overcrowding on the shelves. Our students and staff will be able to access more material much more easily.

The collection will be accessible at all times while this work is underway.

The collection housed in the affected area will be moved to temporary shelving along the windows. The study carrels and tables on the 5th floor have been removed to make way for the temporary shelving. An updated collection map will be posted in the 5th floor lobby sign and handouts can be sourced from the HSSL Info Desk and in the 5th floor lobby.

The new quiet study areas along the perimeter will provide our students with new quiet study desks each equipped with electrical outlets, new chairs, dramatically improved lighting, carpet, paint and wireless access. The fifth floor will be a wonderful place to study and work. This work is being done with the support of the SSMU and other funding sources.

During construction, extensive seating is available throughout the Humanities and Social Sciences Library on all other floors of McLennan Library Building and in the Redpath Library Building. Thank you for all your support while we undertake these important improvements to our Library.

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