

The Montreal Children's Hospital, with the blessing of Anastasia de Sousa's family, will accept donations from VampireFreaks.com

Published: 20 September 2006

The Montreal Children's Hospital and the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation were surprised to hear that the administrators of VampireFreaks.com were raising funds on behalf of the hospital. Because this is such a sensitive issue, the leadership of the hospital and foundation consulted with the family of Anastasia de Sousa regarding accepting the funds being raised by VampireFreaks.com. With the family's permission and blessing, the hospital and its foundation have decided to receive the donations, with part of the funds being dedicated to helping troubled teenagers.

"Our hearts go out to Anastasia's family and friends, others who were injured and staff and students at Dawson College," says Dr. Linda Christmann, Associate Executive Director of the Montreal Children's Hospital. "We will make good use of this donation in concert with the family's wishes."

"This being an extremely sensitive issue and knowing that the family of Anastasia de Sousa had requested donations in memory of their daughter be made to the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation, we felt it was important that the family know we would respect their wishes regarding whether to accept these funds," says Louise Dery-Goldberg, President of the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation. "Showing tremendous generosity of spirit, Mrs. de Sousa told us she and her family wanted the foundation to accept this donation and suggested the hospital use part of it to help troubled teenagers. She feels this is what Anastasia would have wanted — to help others."

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