

National Post (opinion) - Mintzbergism vs. corporate tax cuts

Published: 11 April 2011

(Column by Terence Corcoran):

Defenders of corporate tax cuts are busy marshalling their wonkish arguments, writing earnest op-eds and otherwise banging their heads against the ideological brick wall erected by the anti-corporate media. It's a tough slog.

Among other things, it means wrestling with the front page of The Globe and Mail, taking on the leftist Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and engaging in combat with veteran anti-capitalist gurus such as Henry Mintzberg. It's an extra tough slog because the opponents of corporate tax cuts have three factors working in their favour: they have total disregard of facts and statistics, they have an easy willingness to misrepresent data, and they maintain a blockheaded determination to misunderstand the economics of tax cuts.

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