BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T181237EDT-0736u4CJdC@ DTSTAMP:20250312T221237Z DESCRIPTION:Free for 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ members\, these sessions are designed as an alt ernative to traditional yoga practices. Trauma Sensitive Yoga has foundati ons in trauma theory\, attachment theory and Hatha Yoga practice\, with an emphasis on body-based yoga forms and breathing practices.The classes wil l be guided by Jen Wende\, a certified yoga therapist with over 1000 hours of alignment-based training. She specializes in creating classes which ex plore new pathways for building distress tolerance\, resilience\, autonomy and growth of the participants. Through yoga asana and meditation\, parti cipants will be encouraged to move at an easeful pace for self-observation of their bodies\, minds and breath.Through yoga asana and meditation\, pa rticipants will be encouraged to move at a pace which encourages self-obse rvation of their bodies\, minds and breath. All skill and experience level s welcome. We start where you are today.The session will be on zoom\, you may mute your mics and turn off your cameras. Feel free to follow along or go at your own pace.  Please wear comfy clothing and find a cozy space. A nd most importantly\, please listen to and respect your own process. RSVP to reserve your spot today. DTSTART:20201209T230000Z DTEND:20201210T000000Z LOCATION:CA\, Online SUMMARY:Trauma Sensitive Yoga URL:/channels/channels/event/trauma-sensitive-yoga-325 203 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR