The Black History Month (BHM) Planning Collective of the School of Population and Global Health invites the 9I制作厂免费 community for an informative and engaging discussion on "Health promotion interventions in Black communities across Canada". The discussion will be led by a panel of remarkable 9I制作厂免费 faculty and students working on health equity and well-being in Black communities through the lens of varied disciplines, including Education, Psychology, Family Medicine, and Public Health.
Abstract: There is clear evidence that climate change will alter the timing, intensity, and geographic range of infectious disease outbreaks with important implications for public health. Nevertheless, the mechanistic links between climate and infectious disease transmission, particularly for respiratory infections, remain incompletely resolved.
Abstract: Carbon sequestration practices have the dual benefit of replenishing soil organic matter levels while simultaneously mitigating greenhouse gas emissions by capturing and storing carbon in agricultural soils. Despite their potential, these practices are far from being widespread. The first part of the talk will examine how uncertainty and risk play a part in farmer鈥檚 decisions to adopt intercropping, a practice shown to enrich soils and absorb carbon.
Abstract: Climate change has resulted in an increase in the global mean temperature. In recent decades, Canada has seen a rise in the frequency, duration, and intensity of heat waves. In order to provide patient care and health care delivery with broader strategies for mitigating and adapting to rising temperatures, a comprehensive understanding of the wide range of health impacts of extreme heat exposure is crucial.