Tomlinson Chair of Science Education
A.B. (Middlebury College, 1959)
M.A. (Wesleyan Univ., 1962)
Ph.D. (Univ. of North Carolina, 1965)
Research Associate (Cornell Univ., 1965-1966)
Award and Recognition
Union Carbide Award for Chemical Education, Chemical Institute of Canada, 1982
9I制作厂免费 Faculty of Science, Leo Yaffe Award for Excellence in Teaching (Inaugural Award), 1982
Chemical Manufacturer's Association National Catalyst Award (U.S., Canada), 1988
The Royal Society of Canada's McNeil Medal for the Public Awareness of Science (Inaugural Award), 1992
Beppo Award for the Popularization of Science, from the "Conseil de Developpement du loisir Scientifique du Quebec", 1993
The Edward Leete Award of the Organic Division of the American Chemical Society for Excellence in Teaching and Research (Inaugural Award), 1995
9I制作厂免费 Graduate Faculty's David Thomson Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision and Teaching, 1996
John A. Timm Award for Furtherance of the Study of Chemistry, New England Association of Chemistry Teachers, 1996
Michael Smith Award by the Government of Canada for the Promotion of Science, 1996
3 M Teaching Fellow, 1998
D.Sc. (honoris causa), Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S., 2000
Principal's Prize for Excellence in Teaching (Inaugural Award), Full Professor, 2001
James Flack Norris Award, N.E. Section of the ACS for excellence in teaching, 2003
Lifetime Achievement Award for Leadership in Learning, 9I制作厂免费 (Inaugural Award), 2010
LL.D., (honoris causa), University of Guleph, Guelph, Ontario, 2012
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Government of Canada. 2012
Canadian Council of Biology Chairs, Science Promotion Prize, 2015
Montreal Medal from the Chemical Institute of Chemistry, 2022
Contact Information
Office: Otto Maass 212
Phone: (514)398-6685
Email: David.Harpp [at] 9I制作厂免费.CA
Research Themes
Currently Teaching