BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T170754EDT-7279795CP7@ DTSTAMP:20250312T210754Z DESCRIPTION:Abstract:\n\nThe Canadian Light Source (CLS) is Canada’s nation al and international centre for synchrotron science and its applications\, providing synchrotron radiation from infrared to hard X-rays with 20 beam lines operational\, making wide range of unique research capabilities avai lable. As one of the most extensively applied synchrotron techniques\, X-r ay absorption spectroscopy (XAS) plays its unique role in environmental\, chemistry and geochemistry\, chemical engineering\, energy study\, especia lly in material sciences. Its Nano to sub Nano scale element specific loca l structure detecting capability possess a spatial resolution of ~0.02Å in scale\, making molecular level structural characterization possible for b oth crystalline and amorphous systems. In this talk\, the unique structura l probing capability of XAS will be introduced through material bulk natur e characterization\, site-by-site\, shell-by-shell and bond-by-bond coordi nation\, structural compounds stacking\, complex surface uptake\, to size estimation for Nano to sub Nano scale particles and certain wet chemistry process\, e.g.\, desulfation and sulfation. What also will be discussed is the XAS roadmap and the full-scale user support and collaboration at HXMA .\n\n \n\nBio:\n\nDr. Chen is a senior staff scientist and the designated beamline responsible for the Hard X-Ray MicroAnalysis beamline (HXMA) at C anadian Light Source (CLS). Ning obtained his Ph.D. in 2002 at the Departm ent of Geological Sciences\, University of Saskatchewan\, and worked as po stdoctoral fellow at CLS between 2001-2003 before becoming a staff scienti st at CLS. He involved in building and commissioning HXMA and is responsib le for the beamline operation and XAS user program afterwards. Ning’s expe rtise is X-ray absorption spectroscopy and its application in material and environmental studies. Ning is committed to making every effort to develo p the hard X-ray XAS facility at CLS as a leading center of excellence in synchrotron XAS research\, developing user community at his beamline\, and promoting XAS both in Canada and internationally. A hypothesis driven and theoretical modeling guided XAS roadmap has been developed at HXMA and pr omoted throughout HXMA XAS user community\, helping users’ research effect ively and efficiently proceeded at HXMA. Ning deeply involves in supervisi on and training of HQP as many graduate student XAS users and visiting sci entists at his beamline can attest to and collaborates in many scientific and industrial XAS user projects.\n DTSTART:20240322T170000Z DTEND:20240322T183000Z SUMMARY:Chemical Society Seminar: Ning Chen-Element Specific Molecular Scal e Structural XAFS Approach in Material Science URL:/chemistry/channels/event/chemical-society-seminar -ning-chen-element-specific-molecular-scale-structural-xafs-approach-35578 5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR