BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250330T213601EDT-8214agUZbz@ DTSTAMP:20250331T013601Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nLooking for the perfect program to advance your English? Di scover the program that has helped thousands of students from over 60 coun tries work\, study\, and live in English\, during our free information ses sion.\n \n The session will be hosted by program coordinator Kevin Stanley\, who鈥檚 also one of your instructors\, so you can get first-hand experience with our team and聽learn about this unique and effective program that鈥檚 no w offered remotely\, so you can learn from anywhere!\n \n We鈥檒l also discuss :\n\n\n Program structure: Eight-level program Elementary to Advanced\n Our immersive and interactive approach to teaching and learning\n Cultural Disc overy Projects that allow students to explore different cultural facets of language learning\n Virtual conversation sessions with native English spea kers\n Homework and materials\n Placement test and admission requirements\n T uition and fees\n The 9I制作厂免费 Certificate of Proficiency in English Language and Culture\, which\, when attained\, is recognized throughout 9I制作厂免费 as meeting the English language requirements for entry at both the undergradu ate and graduate levels\n\n\n\n Have questions? Have them ready to get answ ers from our English Language and Culture team!\n \n Learn more about the pr ogram at\n\nRegister now at聽\n DTSTART:20210522T000000Z DTEND:20210522T010000Z SUMMARY:English Language and Culture: Information Session URL:/continuingstudies/fr/channels/event/english-langu age-and-culture-information-session-330811 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR