BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T173924EDT-01193DvfuN@ DTSTAMP:20250312T213924Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nIn adversarial justice systems (e.g.\, Canada\, United Stat es)\, witnesses testify\, and judges in bench trials (or jurors in jury tr ials) listen and assess what is said. This can result in judges or jurors determining the weight that should be given to testimonies. Research has s hown\, however\, that this process is inherently subjective. This presenta tion will address how unfounded\, discredited\, and pseudoscientific claim s about nonverbal cues and behaviors\, from police investigations to court rooms\, can undermine adversarial justice systems worldwide. Measures to m itigate these negative consequences will also be addressed.\n\nAbout Vince nt Denault\n\nVincent Denault is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department o f Educational and Counselling Psychology of 9I\, and a Lect urer in the Faculty of Law of University of Sherbrooke. His past positions include Lecturer in the Department of Communication of University of Mont real\, Postdoctoral Scholar at the International Centre for Comparative Cr iminology and the Public Law Research Center of University of Montreal\, a nd Research Consultant at the Department of Communication of University of California\, Santa Barbara. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication (University of Montreal\, 2020) and a Master of Laws (University of Quebec in Montrea l\, 2015). His research focuses on issues related to witness testimony\, c redibility assessment\, deception detection\, and nonverbal behavior in co urtrooms. Vincent Denault is the co-founder of the Center for Studies in N onverbal Communication Sciences of the Research Center of the Montreal Men tal Health University Institute\, and the co-founder of the Deception Rese arch Society. He is the recipient of several grants and awards\, including the inaugural Emerging Scholar Award (2016) of the Nonverbal Division of the National Communication Association. In addition to his work in academi a\, Vincent Denault is a lawyer and a coroner investigating deaths that oc curred as a result of negligence or in obscure or violent circumstances.\n \nWatch the Replay Passcode: xHUV7EF3\n DTSTART:20211208T170000Z DTEND:20211208T180000Z LOCATION:Online SUMMARY:Stereotypes and “Body Language” in Courtrooms: When Misconceptions Distort Justice URL:/continuingstudies/channels/event/stereotypes-and- body-language-courtrooms-when-misconceptions-distort-justice-334335 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR