BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250327T215921EDT-3758CTFRp6@ DTSTAMP:20250328T015921Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nAs more and more data are shared over the internet\, busine sses will need to buy and implement advanced cybersecurity solutions. This will result in an increased number of jobs in the cybersecurity sector.\n \n In this online discussion\, hosted by Elisa Schaeffer\, PhD\, Academic D irector of Technology and Innovation and interim Academic Program Coordina tor of Applied Cybersecurity at 9I制作厂免费 SCS\, the following panelists will talk about the skills needed to start a career as an efficient information security professional:\n\n\n Adel Tayeb-Cherif\, Lead of product security in One Network Solution\, Ericsson \n Aman Yvette Aie-Akochi\, IA Advisor\, Minist猫re de la Cybers茅curit茅 et du Num茅rique du Qu茅bec (MCN)\n Benjamin F ung\, Professor\, 9I制作厂免费鈥檚 School of Information Studies\, Canada Research Chair in Data Mining for Cybersecurity\n Fiona Tam\, Information Specialis t in the Governance\, Risk and Compliance team\, CN\n Martin M. Samson\, Re sponsible for information security and cybersecurity service offerings\, L ambda\n Martin Vezina\, Manager - Information Security Risk and Awareness\, CN\, Instructor\, 9I制作厂免费 School of Continuing Studies\n\n\nThe conversati on will cover interview expectations\, multidisciplinary aspects of the fi eld\, and the importance of diversity. The discussion will conclude with p rojections on how the careers of Information Security professionals may sh ape as they move into more senior roles.\n\nThis event will be held in Eng lish\, but participants can ask questions in French.\n\nRegister\n DTSTART:20230329T170000Z DTEND:20230329T180000Z LOCATION:Online SUMMARY:Information Security Entry-Level Job Profiles and Career Paths URL:/continuingstudies/channels/event/information-secu rity-entry-level-job-profiles-and-career-paths-346988 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR