BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250328T052813EDT-791515H6vM@ DTSTAMP:20250328T092813Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nJoin us on Facebook for a live info session to learn more a bout our newly revised and updated Certificates in Translation – currently accepting applications for fall 2019.\n\nOffered in three language pairs (French to English\, English to French\, English to Spanish) and taught by active industry practitioners\, these innovative programs have been desig ned to prepare you for a rewarding career as an in-house or freelance tran slator – in as quickly as two years!\n\nLearn more about:\n\n\n Our hands-o n approach to helping you acquire the tools and techniques you need to get ahead in the industry\n Program structure (part-time/evenings)\n Recent cha nges to the curriculum\, in line with marketplace trends\n Admission requir ements and tuition fees\n Entrance exam conditions and dates\n\n\nWe’ll als o be exploring and answering questions about:\n\n\n What it takes to be a s uccessful language professional\n The areas where demand for professionally trained translators is highest\n Job prospects for the language industry i n Canada and worldwide\n Working conditions and advancement opportunities\n \n\nParticipants:\n\n\n María Sierra Córdoba Serrano\, Associate Professor and Associate Director\, Translation Studies\n Éric Dupont\, Faculty Lectur er\, Translation Studies\n Kathryn Radford\, Faculty Lecturer\, Translation Studies\n\n\n \n\nSign up in our Facebook event to be notified when we go live:\n\n \n\nFor more in formation: translation.scs [at] or 514-398-1484.\n DTSTART:20190813T160000Z DTEND:20190813T173000Z LOCATION:Facebook Live SUMMARY:Certificates in Translation – Kickstart Your Career in the Language Industry: Online Info Session URL:/continuingstudies/channels/event/certificates-tra nslation-kickstart-your-career-language-industry-online-info-session-29892 3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR