BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250327T215005EDT-7202PDigK8@ DTSTAMP:20250328T015005Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nWondering if a career in translation is right for you? Join us for a free info session to learn more about our newly revised and upda ted Certificates in Translation – currently accepting applications for fal l 2020.\n\nOffered in three language pairs (French to English\, English to French\, English to Spanish) and taught by active industry practitioners\ , this innovative program has been designed to prepare you for a rewarding career as an in-house or freelance translator – in as quickly as two year s!\n \n During this session\, we’ll explore the following topics:\n\n\n Our h ands-on approach to helping you acquire the tools and techniques you need to get ahead in the industry\n Program structure (part-time/evenings)\n Rece nt changes to the curriculum\, in line with marketplace trends\n Admission requirements and tuition fees\n Entrance exam conditions and dates\n\n\n\n W e'll also be exploring and answering questions about:\n\n\n What it takes t o be a successful language professional\n The areas where demand for profes sionally trained translators is highest\n Job prospects for the language in dustry in Canada and worldwide\n Working conditions and advancement opportu nities\n\n\n\n Participants:\n\n\n Eric Dupont\, Faculty Lecturer\, Translat ion Studies\n Meaghan Girard\, Course Lecturer\, Translation Studies\n Danie l Zamorano\, Course Lecturer\, Translation Studies\n\n\n\n The session will be conducted mainly in English\, but participants can ask questions in En glish\, French or Spanish.\n\n\n Register at\n  \n\nDiscover the programs at /scs-translation\n  \n\n For more information\, contact translation.scs [at] or 514-398-1 484\n\n \n DTSTART:20200312T220000Z DTEND:20200312T233000Z LOCATION:9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ School of Continuing Studies: 688 Sherbrooke W\, Room 1041 (10th floor) Montréal\, QC SUMMARY:Certificates in Translation (English - French - Spanish): Info Sess ion URL:/continuingstudies/channels/event/certificates-tra nslation-english-french-spanish-info-session-320482 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR