BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250327T215615EDT-7116ZM91fB@ DTSTAMP:20250328T015615Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nAs technology continues to transform the way we communicate and our globalized world becomes increasingly connected\, the field of tr anslation is growing at a rapid pace. As new and exciting career paths for translators and language professionals pop up around the world\, the fiel d of translation itself is undergoing a major transformation\, and those w ith the right skills and abilities will be poised to capitalize on unique opportunities in the coming years.\n \n Join us for an interactive discussio n on the latest changes\, trends\, challenges and opportunities in the fie ld of translation and learn how tomorrow’s language professionals can kick start their careers today. \n Topics Covered:\n\n\n How the role of translat ors is changing in the global marketplace\n How technology is shaping the f ield how the profession will evolve in the coming years\n Types of career o pportunities and firms hiring translators and language professionals\n Stra tegies and skillsets you need to succeed in this new marketplace\n\n\nThen we will dive into 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ’s certificates in translation to explore how eac h of our programs can help you launch or advance your career and prepare y ou for opportunities in this fast-evolving field:\n\n\n Undergraduate Certi ficate in Translation: English to French\n Undergraduate Certificate in Tra nslation: French to English\n\n\nWe will cover topics such as:\n\n\n Curric ulum and courses\n Outcomes\n Career and job prospects\n Admission requiremen ts\n Sessions for admission and admission deadlines\n Tuition fees\n Scholars hips and financial aid\n How to apply\n\n\nThe session will be conducted ma inly in English\, but participants can ask questions in English or French. \n\n \n\nRegister here\n\n \n\nFor information on this event\, write to tr anslation.scs [at]\n DTSTART:20200805T160000Z DTEND:20200805T170000Z SUMMARY:Career Pathways for Tomorrow's Language Professionals: Info Session URL:/continuingstudies/channels/event/career-pathways- tomorrows-language-professionals-info-session-323244 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR