Date | Speaker and topic |
Monday May 16 2005 | Dr. Mark Voigt Dept. Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences Saint Louis University Zebrafish shed new light on P2X receptors |
Monday May 9 2005 | Dr. Craig Mandato Department Anatomy and Cell Biology 9I制作厂免费 Studying cytokinesis and cell motility in cells that neither divide nor crawl |
Thursday Apr 28 2005 *11:30 am* | Dr. Hannele Ruohola-Baker Department of Biochemistry University of Washington Drosophila model for muscular dystrophy: Dystroglycan signaling ** Room D1422, Montreal General Hospital ** |
Monday Apr 25 2005 | Dr. Ulrich Tepass Department of Zoology University of Toronto Mechanisms of epithelial polarity and photoreceptor morphogenesis |
Monday Apr 18 2005 | Dr. Anne McKinney Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics 9I制作厂免费 The role of dendritic spines in development, plasticity and neurological disorders |
Monday Apr 11 2005 | Dr. Ole Kiehn Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Physiologic and genetic deciphering of locomotor circuits in mammals |
Monday Apr 4 2005 | Dr. Nathalie Lamarche-Vane Dept. Anatomy and Cell Biology 9I制作厂免费 Insight into netrin-1 receptor DCC signaling: Rho GTPases, phosphorylation, and ..FRET! |
Monday Mar 21 2005 | Bourque Lab CRN Research Update |
Monday Mar 14 2005 | Dr. Ed Ruthazer Montreal Neurological Institute 9I制作厂免费 Synaptic Control of Axon Branch Dynamics in the Developing Brain |
Monday Mar 7 2005 | Dr. Pejmun Haghighi Department of Physiology 9I制作厂免费 Regulation of Synaptic Growth and Homeostasis of Neurotransmitter release: Retrograde Signaling Mechanisms |
Monday Feb 21 2005 | Dr. Juan Burrone Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Harvard University Visualizing activity-dependent changes in synaptic connectivity |
Monday Feb 14 2005 | Dr. Graziella Di Cristo Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory New York Constructing GABAergic circuits: from subcellular synapse targeting to activity-dependent plasticity |
Monday Feb 7 2005 | Dr. Matt Nolan Center for Neurobiology and Behaviour Columbia University, New York Contrasting roles for HCN1 channels in cerebellar and hippocampal dependent forms of learning and memory |
Monday Jan 31 2005 | Dr. Giovanni Marsicano Molecular Genetics of Behaviour Max-Planck Institut fur Psychiatrie The endogenous cannabinoid system: physiological regulation of neuronal activity |
Monday Jan 24 2005 | Dr. Le Ma Department of Biological Sciences Stanford University Molecular control of branching morphogenesis in the developing nervous system |
Monday Jan 17 2005 | Dr. Thomas Misgeld Dept. Molecular and Cellular Biology Harvard University Axon loss in development and disease |
Monday Dec 13 2004 | Dr. Gabriel Corfas Department of Neurology Harvard Medical School Mechanisms and roles of neuron-glia interactions |
Thursday Dec 9 2004 | Dr. Mireille Montcouquiol National Institutes of Deafness & other Commun. Disorders NIH Planar polarity in mammals: the inner ear leads the way |
Monday Dec 6 2004 | Dr. Alvaro Sagasti Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine New York University School of Medicine Abhor thy neighbors: Repulsive interactions shape trigeminal sensory neuron axon morphologies |
Monday Nov 29 2004 | Dr. Tao Sun Department of Neurology Harvard Medical School Transcriptional control of human embryonic left and right cortical asymmetry |
Monday Nov 22 2004 | Dr. Zhihua Zou Division of Basic Sciences Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA Odor coding in the olfactory cortex |
Monday Nov 15 2004 | David Lab CRN Research Update |
Monday Nov 1 2004 | Dr Jane Hewitt Queen's Medical Centre University of Nottingham, UK The LARGE mouse, a model for glycosylation-deficient muscular dystrophy |
Monday Oct 18 2004 | Dr. Sylvain Williams Douglas Hospital Research Centre Montreal, QC Role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in synaptic dysfunction: Potential implications in Alzheimer's disease. |
Wednesday Oct 6 2004 | Dr. Stephane Oliet Institut Francois Magendie Universite Victor Segalen, Bordeaux, France The supraoptic nucleus as a model to study neuroglial interactions |
Wednesday Sept 29 2004 | Dr. Jacques Drouin Laboratoire de G茅n茅tique mol茅culaire Institut de recherches cliniques de Montr茅al It`s all in the boxes: organogenesis and cell fate decisions controlled by transcriptional regulators (homeo, T and bHLH boxes) |
Monday Sept 13 2004 | Drapeau Lab CRN Research Update |
Tuesday Sept. 7 *10:30 am* | Dr. Peter K. Lauf and Dr. Norma C. Adragna Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio K-Cl cotransport and KCC isoforms in erythrocytes and the human lens (Dr. Lauf). K-Cl cotransport, vasodilators and hypertension in KCC-3 knockout mice (Dr. Adragna) |
Wednesday Sept. 1 2004 | Dr. Robert M. Friedlander Department of Neurosurgery Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School Role of Caspase Cell Death Pathways in Neurologic Disease |