Dementia Education Program Newsletter
9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Cares: What is needed to make decisions on behalf of another person?

Join us on July 10th at noon for the next 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Cares webcast to support informal caregivers. During candid, 30-minute interviews with leading experts, Claire Webster explores topics related to caring for a loved one with dementia. 
What is needed to make decisions on behalf of another person?
Hélène Guay is a 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ-educated lawyer who works closely with seniors and their care partners to demystify and facilitate legal processes. She has been practicing health law, human rights law, and elder law for over 30 years.
Mtre. Guay will provide clarity on the assessments and legal documentation required to make decisions on behalf of a person who is no longer able to make important decisions for themself.
This French webcast is free and open to the public.
9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Cares is supported by the Amelia Saputo Community Outreach for Dementia Care.
at 12 pm EDT on July 10, 2024, when the link will become public and available.