
2016 Most Valuable Person Award: Linda Harrison and Rocchina Testa

This year's Most Valuable Person Award went to two wonderfully dedicated members of our team: Linda Harrison and Rocchina Testa. In a short interview, they discuss the challenges and rewarding moments of their respective positions. Did you know you had been nominated for the award? If so, do you know who nominated you? Linda Harrison: I did know I was nominated, which in itself is very gratifying. Rocchina Testa: I don’t know who nominated me, but I did know I was nominated. What does a typical day at the office look like for you? LH: There is no such thing as a typical day in the pre-clinic as each lab is different so anything can happen. RT: I don’t know what to tell you! It’s just one thing after the other; there is a lot of problem-solving. What is the most challenging aspect of your job? LH: The most challenging aspect would be thinking ahead of the game. Always have a backup of materials just in case the lab changes, which does happen. RT: Making things happen can be challenging when so many units are involved. I work with Financial Services and while I know who to call for which issues, there’s a lot of following-up to do. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? LH: The most rewarding aspect would be saying goodbye for the summer and the look of relief on the students faces as they are finishing up. I have the students for one very fast semester. This time factor and amount of material that they cover is immense. High levels of stress, tears and anxiety – so smiles and looks of relief are very rewarding. RT: Resolving problematic issues. And usually, it happens! I feel great when it’s done. If you could go back in time and give yourself a piece of advice when you started in your current position, what would that advice be? RT: Don’t take anything personally: it’s all business. Is there anything you’d like to add? LH: The reason the pre-clinic runs as well as it does is because of team work. The dedicated instructors that I work with all have one goal in mind and they go the extra mile. Guide our students to be the best possible dentists they could be. I have large support in the clinic and dispensary and the staff upstairs is always willing to help. All of this makes my position easier. RT: To be successful at the job that I do, you have to be a team player. It’s thanks to the team around me that I can get results.  

Pictured: Dean Allison with 2016 MVP Award winners Rocchina Testa and Linda Harrison. Photo: Julie Dracoulacou.

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