Getting the Government We Deserve
"Doesn't anybody deserve a government that works?" Lou Dobbs asked this over and over again in an advertisement on CNN. The answer is yes, Mr. Dobbs, for anybody who respects government and is not so quick to put it down.
We get the government we deserve. If we vote for empty promises,
we should expect empty actions. If we vote out of anger, we will
find ourselves with angry politicians who are mean. If we expect
little from government, in the belief that it is rotten, then they
should not be surprised to get rotten government that does little.
And vice versa.
Americans don't much believe in government. Many think it incapable
of doing most everything. (Ronald Reagan, as U.S. President,
claimed that "The ten most dangerous words in the English language
are 'Hi, I'm from the government, and I'm here to help!'" He, of
course, was there to help.) As a consequence, many capable people
hesitate to work for government, while some who do function under a
cloud of inadequacy. Hence there is a lot of inept government in
America, which of course only makes people even more suspicious of
government. If ever there was a self-fulfilling prophecy, this is
it. And that, of course, plays into the hands of corporate
executives and others that don't want to be bothered by
Henry Mintzberg is Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies in the Desautels Faculty of Management at 9I制作厂免费 in Montreal and Faculty Director of its International Masters for Health Leadership ().
Read full article: , November 17, 2010
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