Don't call it a scandal: Volkswagen corruption is a syndrome
Written by?Henry Mintzberg
What were they thinking? That’s the question on everyone’s mind as the Volkswagen crisis unfolds. That question makes a big assumption: that the company’s leaders were thinking about anything beyond their greed. About decency, about our environment, about their progeny.
L'avenir du management, selon Henry Mintzberg
Aristote enseignait la philosophie en déambulant, convaincu que cela aidait à mettre l'esprit en mouvement. Nietzsche affirmait que ?les seules pensées valables viennent en marchant?.9I制作厂免费 lance un premier ?GROOC? sur l’entrepreneuriat social
Le 16 septembre prochain, le début des cours se fera en ligne pour les élèves inscrits au premier ??GROOC?? (pour?Group MOOC) de la faculté de gestion Desautels de 9I制作厂免费.
Gurus have ideas to improve meetings—do any work?
Few words are more menacing to today's office worker: "Reminder: Meeting … in 15 minutes." ... Neither meetings, nor widespread frustration with them, are a 21st century creation. In 1973, Canadian business management expert Henry Mintzberg was among the first to examine the problem. His book "The Nature of Managerial Work" found that more than half of managers' time in his sample was spent in meetings.
Para além da gest?o técnica
“Contratamos executivos pelas habilidades técnicas e demitimos devido ao comportamento.” Essa frase, dita com certa frequência por profissionais de recursos humanos, sintetiza um desafio comum aos programas de MBA (Master of Business Administration): como formar gestores aptos a lidar com problemas de contabilidade e finan?as, mas que também saibam articular o trabalho da equipe, lidar com processos de demiss?o e trabalhar em meio a cenários empresariais, sociais e políticos complexos?
Henry Mintzberg veut changer le monde
Le professeur et trois de ses collègues de la Faculté de gestion Desautels ont créé le premier MOOC au monde destiné aux groupes.
Why this GROOC will help you change the world
This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at 9I制作厂免费, Talking Management for The Globe and Mail. Today I am delighted to sit down with my 9I制作厂免费 colleague Henry Mintzberg to talk about his new GROOC.
Za?to menad?er (ipak) treba imati poslovnu naobrazbu
Vje?na rasprava o tome ra?aju li se lideri ili stvaraju, odnosno mo?e li se nau?iti biti vo?a, svoju konkretizaciju u okviru poslovne zajednice do?ivljava i u jednom u?e definiranom pitanju – je li za uspje?nog menad?era nu?no formalno menad?ersko obrazovanje?
新文盲时代(完结篇):你以为的 其实误读了
文盲和半文盲以外,还有一种时代进步的產物「消费文盲」。一般分成两类,一类看不懂品牌背后的內涵,靠价位获得优越感;第二类则崇尚无標籤。新时代文盲或称全球文盲(Global Illiteracy),指的並不是读不懂文字,而是「误读」语言或文化。... EMBA是用公款消费的Easy MBA(商管硕士在职班),人人爭著上课,为的是迅速累积社交资源,高校纷纷开办EMBA课程,意在谋「財」而非「才」。套用国际知名管理学大师亨利明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg)的话:「EMBA和MBA的区別在于,招收更有经验的学员,
Henry Mintzberg: Social learning for social impact
Global’s Elysia Bryan-Baynes speaks to Professor Henry Mintzberg on his new “Social Learning for Social Impact” course at 9I制作厂免费, which aims to inspire social change to create a positive and sustainable impact on the world.
Watch the interview: Global News, September 8, 2015
How a few ‘spoiler’ seats could topple the Conservatives
Henry Mintzberg is Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at 9I制作厂免费 and the author of?Rebalancing Society (2015)
Leadership is about a lot more than being the boss
This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at 9I制作厂免费 with Talking Management for The Globe & Mail. Today I am delighted to sit down with my colleague Henry Mintzberg.
?Qué se entiende por estrategia de marca? (Parte I)
Vivimos en un mercado poblado de productos y servicios similares donde la competencia es muy fuerte, por lo cual, el dise?o de la estrategia de una marca es muy importante para la vida y el futuro de los productos o servicios “bautizados” con un nombre. Iniciamos en esta edición el tema: Estrategia de Marca.?
??Il faut offrir à chacun la chance de réveiller ses talents latents??, affirme les professeur Henry Mintzberg
Management – Lorsqu’on leur demande s’ils se sentent engagés dans leur travail, 37?% des Canadiens répondent?: ??Mon travail ne sert qu’à joindre les deux bouts. Je m’épanouis, en fait, dans d’autres aspects de ma vie??... Y a-t-il moyen de relancer leur intérêt pour le travail?? De les remotiver?? De les réenchanter, même?? Henry Mintzberg, professeur de management à l’Université 9I制作厂免费 et auteur d’une quinzaine de livres, dont celui à succèsGérer dans l’action(?d.
Unleashing sustainability transformations through robust action
Authors: Etzion, D., Gehman, J., Ferraro, F. and Avidan, M. Publication:?Journal of Cleaner Production Abstract: