

Es m谩s probable que rechace las jerarqu铆as si no se siente atractivo

Harvard Business Review. Cuando las personas creen que son atractivas consideran que tienen una clase social m谩s alta y su percepci贸n hacia la desigualdad es m谩s favorable, se帽ala un estudio.

Published: 15 Jul 2014

Hillshire Options Bring in the Bacon

Bullish options bets on Hillshire Brands Co. stand to deliver millions of dollars in profits to one or more traders who correctly wagered in recent weeks that the company's stock would surge.

Published: 8 Jul 2014

The problem with insider obsession

If investors needed another reason to distrust the stock market, here鈥檚 a doozy. A study by a trio of researchers in the U.S. and Canada into聽insider trading聽found that one-quarter of the big merger and acquisition (M&A) deals over a 15-year period鈥攔oughly 460 transactions in total鈥攎ay have seen people profiting on information before it was public.

Published: 25 Jun 2014

Are all insiders rogue traders?

Insider trading is a topic of intense public debate these days, but this debate must be framed in the context of a clear, objective definition of informed versus insider trading.

Published: 25 Jun 2014

Die meisten Insiderhandler kommen davon

Ofter als gedacht wird illegal ve rsucht, vertrauliche Kenntnisse an der Borse zu versilbern.

Published: 25 Jun 2014

Study Asserts Startling Numbers of Insider Trading Rogues

There is often a tip.聽Before many big mergers and acquisitions, word leaks out to select investors who seek to covertly trade on the information. Stocks and options move in unusual ways that aren鈥檛 immediately clear. Then news of the deals crosses the ticker, surprising everyone except for those already in the know. Sometimes the investor is found out and is prosecuted, sometimes not.

Published: 17 Jun 2014

Two Groundbreaking Academic Mergers & Acquisitions Studies Win IRRC Institute Investor Research Award at Millstein Governance Forum

Two academic research papers that promise to spark new scrutiny of corporate actions such as mergers and acquisitions have won the prestigious Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute聽(IRRCi) annual investor research competition that focuses on the interaction of the real economy with investment theory.聽The winning research teams will be presented with a $10,000 award for each paper:

Published: 12 Jun 2014


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