

Strategic utilization of software patents to counteract rival penetration in the IT industry

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýSunghun Chung, Kunsoo Han, Animesh Animesh and Alain Pinsonneault

Publication: Journal of Strategic Information Systems Volume 33, Issue 1, March 2024, 101820


Published: 13 Mar 2024

Desautels’ event highlights innovative research and recognizes scholars

On Friday, May 13, members of the Desautels Faculty of Management gathered to celebrate the innovative and impactful research conducted by its scholars. 

Fifteen professors were on hand to deliver two-minute presentations of their most interesting and research.

Published: 20 May 2022

Financial Returns to Firms’ Communication Actions on Firm-Initiated Social Media: Evidence from Facebook Business Pages

Authors: S. Chung, Animesh Animesh, Kunsoo Han and Alain Pinsonneault

Publication: Information Systems Research, Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 258-285.


The primary goal of this study is to investigate the financial returns to firms’ communication actions on a firm-initiated social media platform by focusing on Facebook Business pages. To this end, we conceptualize and quantify two types of firms’ communication actions on social media: posts and responses to customer messages. Furthermore, we classify a firm’s responses to customer messages based on the valence of customer messages—positive versus negative—and examine the effects of volume as well as timeliness of the two types of a firm’s responses to customer messages on firm performance. Using a sample of 63 South Korean firms across industries over a three-year period (5,566 firm-week observations), we find that the volume and timeliness of a firm’s responses to negative customer messages, which are associated with an increase in customer satisfaction, have a significant positive impact on the firm’s market performance measured by abnormal returns and Tobin’s q. Interestingly, the results suggest that a firm’s posts and its responses to positive customer messages are not significantly associated with firm performance. Furthermore, we find that a firm’s posts and its responses to negative customer messages exhibit complementarities in contributing to firm performance. Our results are robust to various alternative specifications, econometric concerns, and Facebook’s policy changes, such as EdgeRank and Promoted Post. Our findings underscore the business value of firms’ actions on social media and provide unique and important implications for theory and practice regarding the appropriate ways to use social media for building and managing customer relationships.

Published: 10 Nov 2020

Software Patents and Firm Value: A Real Options Perspective on the Role of Innovation Orientation and Environmental Uncertainty

Authors: S. Chung, Animesh Animesh, Kunsoo Han and Alain Pinsonneault

Publication: Information Systems Research, Volume 30, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 1073-1097.


Although software patents have been growing steadily since 1996, when the restrictions on the patentability of software were eliminated, their value and impacts on the firm’s profits remain unclear and ambiguous. Drawing on the real options theory and the literature on exploration and exploitation, we develop a novel theoretical framework to assess the value of software patents. Moreover, we examine the impact of contextual factors related to the nature of innovation underlying firms’ patent portfolios (exploitative versus explorative) and the environmental uncertainty (competitiveness and dynamism) on the value of software patents. Specifically, we examine the interaction effect of a firm’s software patent stock and its innovation orientation on firm value in markets exhibiting different levels of environmental uncertainty. Based on a large-panel data set consisting of 602 U.S. firms, our results indicate that a software patent portfolio having higher levels of explorative orientation is associated with a higher firm value (as measured by Tobin’s q) in environments exhibiting low dynamism and high competitiveness. By contrast, a software patent portfolio with higher levels of exploitative orientation is associated with a higher firm value in environments with high dynamism and low competitiveness. We discuss the implications for research and practice.

Published: 10 Nov 2020

Demand and Revenue Impacts of an Opaque Channel: Evidence from the Airline Industry

Authors: Nelson F. Granados, Kunsoo Han, Dan Zhang

Publication: Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming


Published: 9 May 2017

Competitive impacts of IT innovation: An empirical analysis of software patents in the IT industry

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýChung, S., Han, K., Animesh, A., Pinsonneault, A. 

Publication:2015 International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, ICIS 2015

Published: 11 May 2016

Economics and Value of IS

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýHan, K., Kundisch, D., Weinhardt, C., Zimmermann, S.

Publication: Business and Information Systems Engineering 


Published: 9 Mar 2016

FDI motives, market governance, and ownership choice of MNEs: A study of Malaysia and Thailand from an incomplete contracting perspective

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýYu, J., Lee, S.-H., Han, K.

Publication: Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Published: 10 Apr 2015

Firms’ Social Media Efforts, Consumer Behavior, and Firm Performance

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýSunghun Chung, Animesh Animesh, Kunsoo Han and Alain Pinsonneault 

ICIS 2014 Proceedings, December 15, 2014.


Published: 28 Nov 2014

"The Real Savings from IT Outsourcing," MIT Sloan Management Review

´¡³Ü³Ù³ó´Ç°ù²õ:ÌýHan, Kunsoo; Mithas, Sunil

Publication: MIT Sloan Management Review


Published: 21 Feb 2014

"Channel Capabilities, Product Characteristics, and the Impacts of Mobile Channel Introduction," Journal of Management Information Systems

Authors: Bang, Youngsok; Lee, Dong-Joo; Han, Kunsoo; Hwang, Minha; Ahn, Jae-Hyeon

Publication: Journal of Management Information Systems, Fall 2013


Published: 6 Jan 2014

Information technology outsourcing and non-it operating costs: An empirical investigation

Authors: Han, Kunsoo; Mithas, Sunil


Published: 1 Mar 2013
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