BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250313T085938EDT-9234SCBE78@ DTSTAMP:20250313T125938Z DESCRIPTION:Eduardo Davila\n\nYale University \n\nProbability Pricing and t he Value of Information \n\nDate: Friday\, December 6\, 2024\n Time: 10:30- 11:45 am\n Location: Bronfman Bldg. (1001 Sherbrooke St. West)\, Room 340\n \nAll are cordially invited to attend.\n\nAbstract:\n\nThis paper presents a framework for evaluating the welfare implications of changes in informa tion in general environments. By combining conventional cash-flow pricing with the newly introduced notion of probability pricing\, we provide a uni fied metric to assess the marginal value of changes in consumption\, proba bilities\, and information structures. This framework enables the decompos ition of efficiency gains using tools from welfare economics. We present t hree applications that illustrate how the new approach can be used to revi sit existing results and derive new results: i) the classic principal-agen t model\, ii) a foreknowledge model\, where public information may destroy insurance opportunities\, and iii) a competitive Rational Expectations Eq uilibrium model\, where prices aggregate dispersed information held by inv estors.\n DTSTART:20241206T153000Z DTEND:20241206T164500Z LOCATION:Room 340\, Bronfman Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 1G5\, 1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest SUMMARY:Desmarais Global Finance Research Centre (DGFRC) Seminar: Eduardo D avila URL:/desautels/channels/event/desmarais-global-finance -research-centre-dgfrc-seminar-eduardo-davila-361599 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR