
Saku Mantere

Saku Mantere

Title: Professor of Strategy & Organization; Area Coordinator, Strategy & Organization; Editor-in-Chief, Delve
Research areas: Health Management, Integrated Management, Organization Identity, Organizational Theory, Strategic Management, Strategy Process
Don Melville

Don Melville

Title: Senior Faculty Lecturer, Strategy & Organization | Sustainability Associate
Henry Mintzberg

Henry Mintzberg

Title: John Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies (Strategy & Organization); Academic Director, International Masters for Health Leadership (IMHL), International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM)
Research areas: Managing the Myths of Healthcare, Public, Private & Social Organizations in a Balanced Society
Hanieh Mohammadi

Hanieh Mohammadi

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Research areas: Impact of AI & Analytics on Work, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Innovations, Leadership & Governance, Organizational Change, Organizational Theory
Katy Moloney

Katy Moloney

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Karl Moore

Karl Moore

Title: Associate Professor (Prof), Strategy & Organization
Research areas: Global Leadership, Leadership
Robert Nason

Robert Nason

Title: Associate Professor, Strategy & Organization
Academic title(s): William Dawson Scholar
Research areas: Behavioural Strategy, Economic Inequality, Entrepreneurship, Family Business, Informal Economy
Elena Obukhova

Elena Obukhova

Title: Associate Professor
Research areas: Economic Sociology, Future of Work, Labour Force & Labour Market, Organizational Theory, Social Networks, Women as Global Leaders & Managers
Gina Page

Gina Page

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Zhuoyue Pang

Zhuoyue Pang

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Research areas: Health Care, Health Management, Innovation Management, IT in Healthcare, Organizational Theory
Paola Perez-Aleman

Paola Perez-Aleman

Title: Associate Professor, Strategy & Organization
Research areas: Clusters & Networks, Developing Countries, Economic Development, Emerging Market Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Government & Business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, International Management, Social Innovation, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Value Chains, Technology & Innovation
Katherine Picone

Katherine Picone

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Wadih Renno

Wadih Renno

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Jack Sadek

Jack Sadek

Title: PhD Student; Strategy & Organization

Dat Tran

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Sonali Uppal

Sonali Uppal

Title: PhD Student, Strategy & Organization
Ghahhar Zavosh

Ghahhar Zavosh

Title: Faculty Lecturer, Strategy & Organization
Xian Zhu

Xian Zhu

Title: PhD Student; Strategy & Organization


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