Roberto Forte
PhD Candidate

Roberto Forte holds a Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) and a Permaculture Teacher Certificate (PTC) from the Permaculture Education Institute in Australia. He is a certified Environmental Professional (EP) by ECO Canada. Roberto holds a Master of Resource & Environmental Management (MREM) from Dalhousie University in Canada, an MBA from the University of Science and Technology, and a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from the Technological University of Panama. Roberto worked in the private, public, consulting, and NGO sectors in Panama and Canada including six years as CEO of the Panama Green Building Council. In 2011, he occupied the position of Project Manager at the Summerhill Group Consulting Company in NS, Canada. Roberto's PhD research focuses on developing a framework to help smallholder farmers in Panama鈥檚 rural areas transition from conventional agriculture to permaculture.