Plurilingual and Translanguaging Approaches in TESOL: What Does Classroom Research Show about Benefits and Challenges?
/educationCategory:聽Faculty of Education
Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education
Pour yourself a nice mug of tea or coffee and come and meet Dr. Dayna McLeod, our P. Lantz Artist-in-Residence./educationCategory:聽Faculty of Education...
Thursday, April 22nd marks Earth Day 2021! Celebrated for the first time on April 22, 1970 - Today, more than a billion people in 193 countries now participate in Earth Day activities each year....
To commemorate the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous allies will unite to reflect on the theme of hope and healing./educationCategory:聽Education...
Join us in recognizing and celebrating all the amazing efforts and innovative activities that have supported our own wellness and the well-being of those around us!/educationCategory:聽Faculty of...
The Department Educational and Counselling Psychology/educationCategory:聽Faculty of Education
Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Oral defence
The Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology/educationCategory:聽Faculty of Education
Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Oral defence