Participate in the Hip Hop Active Listening Survey (HHALS) for School Counselors

Dr. Ian P. Levy, Dr. Michael Lipset and Mr. Timothy Jones invite you to participate in a research study that they are conducting. The purpose of this study is to assess the abilities of school counselors to identify ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors in the language of youth; i.e. Hip-Hop. Enclosed is a fun and interactive survey wherein you will be asked to listen to a student's song and assess the degree to which, if at all, a variety of educational mindsets and behaviors are present.
Instructions are as follows:
If you are 18 years of age or older, a current school counselor based in the United States, and are willing to participate you will be asked to complete an interactive survey. It should take approximately 10-15 minutes for you to complete. Your participation will be completely anonymous, and no personal, identifying information will be collected.