Dr. Jayne Malenfant
Assistant Professor

Educational Leadership Supervisors
Educational Studies (Ph.D.) Supervisors
Education and Society Supervisors
Department of Integrated Studies in Education (DISE)
Professional activities:
- Editor, International Journal on Homelessness
- Taking new students during the upcoming application period: PhD Students, Masters Students.
Educational Technology and Teaching Innovation
Social Action and Sustainability Education
Areas of expertise:
- Homelessness
- Community education
- Institutional ethnography
- Activist methodologies
- Youth activism
- Anarchism
- Gender diversity and 2SLGBTIA+
- Community-based research
- Youth participatory action research
Jayne is from Kapuskasing, Ontario, but has been in Tio'tiá:ke/Montreal since 2016. Their areas of interest are community-led research, educational and housing justice, and anarchist/social justice education. Their current research focuses on the educational experiences of young people and adults navigating homelessness, the engagement of people with lived and living experience of housing precarity in advocacy and research, and the experiences of Two-Spirit, trans, and non-binary communities navigating housing precarity and institutional inaccess.
Selected publications:
- Matthews, T. & Malenfant, J. (2024). Reimagining Educational Success: Lessons on Support, Well-being, and Trust from Community-Grounded Research with Black Families and Gender-Diverse Youth. Learning Landscapes. Special Issue: Towards New Futures of Child and Youth Development. 17(1), 165-178.
- Malenfant, J., Annan, J., Pin, L., Levac, L. & Buchnea, A. (2024). Toward the Right to Housing in Canada: Lived Experience, Research, and Promising Practices for Deep Engagement. Engaged Scholar Journal. Special Issue: Engaged Scholarship and Housing Security. 10(2), 1-22.
- Malenfant, J. & Nichols, N. (2024). Participatory Action Research, Critical Adult Education, and the Work of D.E. Smith for Research Praxis: Lessons from/with Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education. Special Issue: Dorothy Smith and Adult Education 36(1), 97-112.
- Malenfant, J. (2024). Responding to and Dismantling Carceral Systems: Learning from Experiential Knowledge, Organizing, and Community. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons 33(2), 87-92.
- Malenfant, J. & Brais, H. (2023) An Anarchist Approach to Addressing Housing Vulnerability: Implementing Anarchist Strategies to Program Efforts for Housing Justice. Housing Theory and Society, Special Issue: Housing Vulnerability. Online First.
- Malenfant, J., Watchorn, M. & Nichols, N. (2023). Homeless Youth-Led Activism and Direct Action: Lessons from a Participatory Research Project in Tio’tia:ke/Montréal. Children & Society, Special Issue: Conceptualising and Researching Child and Youth Activism. 00, 1-15.
- Malenfant, J, Nichols, Naomi, & Schwan, K. (2019). Chasing Funding to “Eat Our Own Tail”: The Invisible Emotional Work of Making Social Change. ANSERJ: Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 10(2): 40-54.
- Malenfant, J. (2019). Cultivating anarchist praxis: reflections on an outdoor, anarchist free skool in Tio’tia:ke/Montréal. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education 30(2): 11-14.
Non-Academic Publications:
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