
NEW-SURE Training Program

This new series of in-person workshops (slide decks found in SURE Program myCourses) helps Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE) students identify opportunities and stakeholders as they start their research project. Students can then leverage a combination of research skills and Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) concepts to move their projects forward, making students’ research experiences more efficient, and keeping undergraduates students motivated and engaged.


Framing Your Research Question

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe how the 3Cs (curiosity, connections, create value) of EM can be applied to research, emphasizing the connections between research opportunities, research plan, and research impact.
  • Use the technique of connecting a broad statement to a specific claim to help formulate a research question.
  • Use mind mapping to help identify open questions in your research project and collect information needed to understand your research opportunity.
  • Identify key stakeholders for your research project and describe their interests.

Thriving in a Research Environment

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe how goal setting is important for achieving and tracking actionable progress in research, emphasizing the connections between getting from a research question to making research progress and ultimately impact.
  • Use the technique of connecting broad statements to specific requirements to establish an achievable goal.
  • Practice using the SMART goal framework to set an achievable goal.

Skills for Time Management Workshop

Feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? In this workshop, you will learn strategies to organize your priorities, increase your productivity, and effectively manage your time. 

Building Resilience in Research

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the importance of resilience skills for achieving research goals, including resilience skills you already use.
  • Use the technique of assertiveness to think ahead and develop unexpected and creative solutions to problems.
  • Discuss assertiveness in at least two situations, and provide feedback for peers.
  • Reflect on personal strengths and challenges in self advocacy, and a support system for continued growth and success.
  • Identify growth areas related to resilience and a plan for self-directed learning and practice in these areas.

Using EM to Drive Effective Data Visualization

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of identifying opportunities relevant to research and business goals from data collected and analyzed throughout the research process.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different types of data visualizations.
  • Learn key data visualization principles and techniques behind creating effective and meaningful visualizations.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate insights from data visualization to stakeholders and using those insights to drive informed decisions.
  • Recognize ethical considerations that are relevant to data gathering and data visualization.

Maximizing the Impact of Your Research

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the potential impact of your research, including listing key results and identifying the groups most interested in those results.
  • List a variety of options for sharing undergraduate research, including both traditional academic venues (conferences, journal articles) as well as venues for reaching audiences outside the academic context.
  • Identify the venues that might be most appropriate for sharing your own work.
  • Prepare a dissemination plan for your research, which includes information on the audience you would like to reach, as well as the message you would like to share with each audience.

How to Pitch Your Research Workshop - Part 1

This online workshop by Andrew Churchill will focus on effective message development.

How to Pitch Research Workshop - Part 2

This online workshop by Andrew Churchill will focus on effective message delivery.

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