research /environment/taxonomy/term/689/all en Connected streets promote urban resilience  /environment/connected-streets-promote-urban-resilience <h2>The Issue</h2> <p>The connectivity of local streets shapes travel choices for residents and the long-term resilience of cities. In neighbourhoods with connected streets—characterized by a grid or similar pattern with direct walking routes and few dead ends—residents walk more and own fewer cars. Where streets are disconnected—for example, in hillside canyons or gated communities—the private car is typically the only option. And once laid down, street patterns rarely change, even after fires, wartime bombing, and earthquakes.</p> Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:58:58 +0000 2976 at /environment Tracking Puffins at Dawn in Alaska /environment/article/tracking-puffins-dawn-alaska <p>In the eerie stillness of a misty Alaskan dawn, Cassandra Ciafro was already on the move by 3 a.m. Clad in camouflage, she melded seamlessly with the rugged cliffs, joining the seabirds in their lofty perches. Her mission? To deploy trackers and observe deitary patterns of the tufted puffin, a key indicator of the region’s fish stocks.</p> <p>“I’ve always wanted to work with something related to marine science,” said Ciafro. “This experience has helped me grow so much as a person.”</p> Sat, 23 Nov 2024 20:47:06 +0000 2958 at /environment 9I School of Environment /environment/mcgill-school-environment Mon, 16 Sep 2013 17:51:15 +0000 6 at /environment