
Florentine Zwillich

Florentine Zwillich
Contact Information
Email address: 
florentine.zwillich [at] mail.mcgill.ca
flor.zwillich [at] web.de

MSc聽(Geosciences), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany聽

BSc (Geoscience), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Current Graduate Students
Current research: 

My research interests focus on volcanic rocks erupted on the volcanic island of Saba, located in the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean. I want to understand the history of its magmatic system. In particular, a specific mineral, called plagioclase that is highly abundant in rocks from Saba, can record details of the environmental magmatic conditions the crystals grew in. Plagioclase can preserve information about changes in T, PH2O or chemical composition of the magma as textural and chemical distinguishable zoning patterns. I am using a specific analytical tool, called tandem Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) coupled to an ICP-MS. This technique allows me to analyze the chemical composition of the zoning in crystals by including major, minor and trace elements simultaneously and several hundreds of crystals within hours. By analyzing such a number of crystals, I can increase the information to better understand the history of the magmatic system.

Graduate supervision: 


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