BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T185559EDT-5828zmJ4nJ@ DTSTAMP:20250312T225559Z DESCRIPTION:How to join: Email sarah.bodeving [at] (subject: SEG%20Zoom%20link%20for%20Dr.%20Paisley%20) (Sarah Bodeving) for Zoom li nk or check EARTHSCI email. \n\n \n\nSpeaker: Dr. Rebecca Paisley\, EPS Al umnus 2019\n\n \n\nTitle: Exploration for lithium-enriched geothermal wate rs in Cornwall\n\n\n Elevated lithium concentrations were first reported in Cornish geothermal waters in 1864 (at 60mg/l) [1]\, and subsequently note d in tin and copper mines (typically ~200 mg/l) [2] that were worked until the 1990’s\, when poor metal prices brought an end to metalliferous minin g in the South West. Today\, Cornish waters are of significant interest du e to an increasing demand for Li in low-carbon technologies and advances i n techniques for Li extraction from waters and brines.\n\n Cornish Lithium’ s exploration efforts take a multitude of approaches to constrain the rela tionship between circulating waters and the underlying regional batholith. Mineralogy and chemical analyses highlight five types of granites (G1-G5) in Cornwall [3]. In certain granite types\, Lithium is hosted by Lithium bearing micas [3]. Collation of chemical water data across the region link certain hydrothermally derived waters to specific granite types\, Li enri chment is particularly noted with respect to the G5 granites. Structural m apping in combination with digitised archived mine data and private collec tions are used to model the deep-seated NW-SE and ENE-WSW trending\, perme able fault structures in 3D. These structures were exploited by fluxing Pe rmian-aged magmatic-hydrothermal waters that led to mineralisation of W\, Cu and Sn. It is supposed that geothermal waters still circulate at depth\ , heated by the radiogenic granites.\n\n Research boreholes have intersecte d permeable structures at depth allowing sampling of uncontaminated\, circ ulating waters to assess the Li concentrations. Further research into temp erature dependent\, water-rock interactions (e.g. Li leaching\, mica break down) and porosity and permeability modelling of flow pathways are vital t o understanding the origins and distribution of Li-enriched waters at dept h. Combining these approaches is informing Cornish Lithium’s exploration p rogramme into the viability of Lithium extraction.\n\n [1] Miller W. A. (18 64) Chemical News\, Vol X\, No. 254\, p 181.\n\n [2] Smedley P. L. et al. ( 1989) BGS Research Report SD/89/2.\n\n [3] Simons B. (2016) Lithos\, Vol 26 0\, p 76-94.\n\n DTSTART:20200521T160000Z DTEND:20200521T170000Z SUMMARY:Online SEG Talk by Dr. Rebecca Paisley URL:/eps/channels/event/online-seg-talk-dr-rebecca-pai sley-322264 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR