BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T172345EDT-2534hAvc4E@ DTSTAMP:20250312T212345Z DESCRIPTION:Join Earth and Planetary Sciences virtually for our Friday semi nar featuring the MSA distinguished lecturer\n\nShaunna M. Morrison\n Earth and Planets Laboratory\, Carnegie Institution\, Washington\, DC\, USA\n Pe ter Buseck Public Lecture \n\nDriving Curiosity: Exploring Martian geology and habitability through mineralogy \n\n \n\nZoom Link \n\nMeeting ID: 87 5 7599 6613 \n\nPasscode: 215159 \n\n \n\nTalk Abstract \n\nMars has long been a source of curiosity and intrigue for humankind – we look out to our nearest cousin to better understand our own formation and evolution\, the broader characteristics of our solar system and beyond\, and whether or n ot we are alone in the universe. This desire to explore has led to many or bital and landed missions to Mars\, with many striking and surprising disc overies made. One such mission is the NASA Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)\, with the Curiosity rover housing the most advanced and extensive payload of scientific instrumentation ever sent to another planetary object. Since 2012\, Curiosity as performed in situ analyses of rocks and soil in Gale crater – providing great insight into Mars’ geologic past\, particularly i lluminating that there were\, indeed\, potentially habitable environments with periods of rich water regimes and geologic cycling. Among the instrum ents informing our understanding of the martian past is the CheMin X-ray d iffractometer\, which performs X-ray diffraction on drilled rock and scoop ed sediment samples\, providing quantitative mineralogical identification of major and minor phases\, mineral phase abundance\, unit-cell parameters \, chemical composition of major phases\, and\, when coupled with bulk che mistry data derived from the MSL APXS (Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer) instrument\, the chemical composition of the abundant amorphous material t hat we have discovered to be ubiquitous throughout Gale crater. Minerals\, along with their chemical compositions\, tell us the geologic history of a sample\, a deposit\, and a planet – they provide detailed insight and co ntext for the complex evolutionary past of Mars.\n\n \n\nIn this seminar\, I will outline the MSL mission\, with a brief mention of the newest NASA Mars mission: Mars2020\, describe the MSL payload and detail the specifica tions and functions of CheMin\, delve into the crystal chemical methods us ed to estimate mineral composition from X-ray diffraction data\, briefly d iscuss the abundant amorphous material observed in all Gale crater samples and how we determine its chemical composition\, and introduce some advanc ed analytics and machine learning techniques that are changing the way we use mineralogy to address questions in Earth and planetary science.\n\nMor e information \n\nShaunna Morrison’s research website for more information : Research Website and Earth and Planets Laboratory\, Carnegie Institution for Science \n DTSTART:20211001T150000Z DTEND:20211001T160000Z LOCATION:Online SUMMARY:Virtual Seminar-Driving Curiosity: Exploring Martian geology and ha bitability through mineralogy URL:/eps/channels/event/virtual-seminar-driving-curios ity-exploring-martian-geology-and-habitability-through-mineralogy-333783 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR