

Stewart Biology: Next Steps and Possible Re-opening

Published: 20 February 2023

Last Thursday, we noted that some areas of the Stewart Biology Building would be re-cleaned, and that a fresh round of air tests would determine whether the building could re-open sometime this week. The re-cleaning was completed over the weekend, and new air samples will soon be taken from the North and South Blocks for testing.

We expect to receive the results of these latest air tests on Wednesday afternoon or evening. If, like the previous air tests, the new ones confirm that the air complies with all applicable safety standards, the building will re-open on Thursday morning. If the results are unsatisfactory in one or both Blocks, these unsatisfactory areas will remain closed for additional cleaning and subsequent re-testing. Either way, we will share these air test results with building users. You can expect another update on Wednesday evening.

Again, and hopefully for the last time, we would like to reiterate that we are moving through these testing and cleaning phases as quickly as we feel we can while prioritizing the safety of our community. We are grateful for your patience and understanding, and our earnest hope is that these disruptions to teaching, research and other activities are approaching an end.

Pierre Barbarie,
Senior Director, Campus Public Safety, on behalf of the Emergency Operations Centre

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