BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T231631EDT-68788kJsVf@ DTSTAMP:20250313T031631Z DESCRIPTION:It is increasingly recognized that epilepsy is a disorder of wh ole-brain networks. New techniques to image and to analyze brain connectiv ity has furthermore given a comprehensive\, ‘big data’ perspective on brai n networks\, and to detect their alterations in epileptic disorders. In th is virtual workshop\, we aim to overview how these approaches have provide d novel insights into the impact of epilepsy on the whole brain\, and how these tools are beginning to deliver clinically useful biomarkers and nove l models of cognitive function and dysfunction.\n\nOur half-day workshop t hat takes place in the morning and afternoon will be free to interested at tendees thanks to our partners SickKids and The Neuro. Established scienti sts and early career researchers will take centre stage for a series of ta lks on state-of-the-art application of connectome analysis in the understa nding of cognitive and clinical dimensions of epilepsy. In addition to the se talks\, we have reserved ample time for stimulating discussions on wher e the field is at and how we can move forward.\n\nRegistration is availabl e on Eventbrite. ZOOM link sent to registrants.\n\nVimeo (livestreaming) h ttps://\n\nIf you want to present\, please contact Nani Moleko\, Discovery Day Coordinator for the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame:  nmoleko [at] | 519.870.6264.\n\nOrganizers\n\nBoris Bernha rdt (The Neuro)\n\nSara Lariviere (The Neuro)\n\nAndrea Bernasconi (The Ne uro)\n\nNeda Bernasconi (The Neuro)\n\nLorenzo Caciagli (University of Pen nsylvania)\n\nLuis Concha (UNAM Queretaro)\n\nCarrie McDonald (University of California at San Diego)\n\nDebbie Rashcovsky (The Neuro)\n\nDewi Schra der (UBC Vancouver)\n DTSTART:20201019T181500Z DTEND:20201019T181500Z SUMMARY:Neuro Workshop - Connectomics in Epilepsy: Disease Biomarkers\, Mod els of Cognition and Big Data Network Science (Virtual) URL:/familymed/channels/event/neuro-workshop-connectom ics-epilepsy-disease-biomarkers-models-cognition-and-big-data-network-3255 32 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR