BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T165537EDT-00004tu33T@ DTSTAMP:20250312T205536Z DESCRIPTION:The Social Accountability and Community Engagement Office (SACE ) of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences is excited to invite Blac k students\, faculty and staff to this networking mixer!\n\nClick here to register\n\nMonday\, December 14\, 2020\n\n6:30-8:00 p.m. (ET)\n\nJoin us for a discussion about the power of mentorship with Dr. Chika Stacy Oriuwa and Dr. Tamara Gafoor\, followed by a presentation by Marilyn Naana Ahun on the new 9I Black Alumni Association (MBAA) mentorship program.\n\nK eynote speakers:\n\nDr. Oriuwa is a first-year resident doctor in psychiat ry at the University of Toronto and the first Black woman to be recognized as sole valedictorian. As a writer\, Chika has penned viral articles and poetic performances on navigating the world of medicine as a Black woman. In 2017\, she released her renowned slam poem “Woman\, Black” and in 2018 published her seminal article “In My White Coat\, I am More Black than Eve r” for FLARE magazine’s Black History Month campaign.\n\nDr. Gafoor is a P ediatric Emergency Physician at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. She is D irector of the MUHC Pediatric Advanced Life Support Course and a member of the 9I Medical Admissions Committee. \n\nMarilyn Naana Ahun graduated from 9I in 2015 with a BA in Honors Psychology and is a final-year Ph D candidate in public health at the Université de Montréal. She was the Vi ce President of the 9I African Students’ Society as an undergrad and c o-founded the 9I Black Alumni Association (MBAA) when she graduated.\n \nHosts: Dr. Pascale Caidor\, Diversity Officer and Charlene Lewis-Sutherl and\, Equity Education Program Administrator.\n DTSTART:20201214T230000Z DTEND:20201215T010000Z SUMMARY:SACE Virtual Networking Mixer for Black students\, faculty and staf f URL:/familymed/channels/event/sace-virtual-networking- mixer-black-students-faculty-and-staff-326469 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR