

时间:2017-02-17 07:12:44

????2016年9月5日,我校丹麦TietgenSkolen友好学校校长老师和学生11人来访。57中对此次来访活动进行了充分的准备和精心的安排。经过简短而隆重的欢迎会后,学校为丹麦学生安排了一系列中国文化体验课程和中文学习课程。双方校长会面共同商议两校合作方向,期待进一步深化合作!On September 5th, 2016, 11 teachers and students of TietgenSkolen, a Denmark sister school of our school, came to visit our school. Beijing 57 Middle School made a ful preparation and throughtful arrangement for the visit. After a brief but solemnly welcome meeting, we arranged a series of Chinese culture experience courses and Chinese learning courses for Denmark students. The principals of both sides met and jointly discussed on the cooperation direction of the two schools and lookedforward to further deepening cooperation!

??? 2016年10月21日我校接待了来自西班牙马德里CASVI国际学校的校长Juan?Luis先生?、市场部Angel先生、中文教师赵晶丽女士,和欧洲联盟丁大俊先生来访我校。学校领导热情地接待了他们。On October 21st, 2016, our school received Mr. Juan?Luis, Principal of CASVI International School in Madrid, Spain , Mr. Angel of the Marketing Department, Ms. Zhao Jingli, a Chinese teacher and Mr. Ding Dajun of the European Union. Our school leaders warmly received them.

??? 我校刘晓昶校长和西班牙校长Juan先生分别介绍了各自学校的基本情况。西班牙CASVI国际学校非常重视对于学生的培养,由于学校先进的信息化技术、国际化特色、对学生多元智能培养以及优异的教学成绩被西班牙政府授予“马德里优质学校”和“马德里5星学校”的殊荣。通过双方校长的商谈,两个学校校长在办学理念、合作意向等多方面达成共识,期待以后可以开展交流与合作。Liu Xiaochang, Principal of our school, and Mr. Juan, Principal of Spanish school, introduced basic situations of their respective schools. The Spanish CASVI International School attached great importance to the cultivation of students. Because of the advanced information technology, international characteristics, the multiple intelligence cultivation of students and excellent teaching achievements of the school, it was awarded the "Madrid Quality School" and "Madrid 5 Star School" by the Spanish government. Through discussion, the two principals reached a consensus in schooling philosophy, cooperation intention and other aspects, looking forward to more exchanges and cooperation in the future.

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