

时间:2017-02-17 07:04:32

????2016年11月8日我校接待了美国加利福尼亚州托伦斯市市政府主席厂罢贰痴贰狈先生,同时他也兼任美国洛杉矶托伦斯学校校长。On November 8th, 2016 our school received Mr. Steven , the chairman of Torrens Municipal Government of California State of the USA. He also served as the principal of Torrance School in Los Angeles, USA.

??? 在欢迎会上,中美校长各自介绍了学校的办学理念和教育思想。Steven校长还对洛杉矶及托伦斯中学的情况进行了介绍。随后,Steven校长在学校领导老师的陪同下,参观了专业教室。并单独安排时间和初中、高中优秀学生代表座谈。通过交流让我们的学生了解到美国的优秀大学需要的是有自主学习能力、有社会责任感、有爱心、有一定社会工作经历的学生。交流激发了同学们的学习热情,也让同学们了解了美国的教育理念。Steven校长对57中学的办学理念和办学效果以及在互动过程中学生的出色表现印象深刻。他表示期待和57中学建立姐妹学校,期待开展互访和交流。During the reception, principals of China and the United States separately introduced the schools schooling philosophy and educational thought. The Principal Steven also introduced the situation of Los Angeles and Torrance Middle School. Afterwards, the principal Steven, accompanied by leaders and teachers of the school, visited the professional classrooms and separately arranged time to have an informal discussion with outstanding student representatives of junior and senior high school. Through communications, our students understood that excellent universities in the United States need students with self-learning ability, social responsibility, caring, and a certain social work experience. The exchange not only inspired the learning passion of students, but also allowed students to understand the educational philosophy of the United States. Principal Steven was deeply impressed by the schooling philosophy and effect of Beijing 57 Middle School, as well as the outstanding performance of the students during the interactive process. He expressed that he was looking forward to establishing sister school with Beijing 57 Middle School and carrying out mutual visits and exchanges.

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