

时间:2017-02-17 06:54:36

??? 2016年4月29日-5月11日,意大利但丁高中孔子课堂的16名学生在副校长Marzia和中文教师乔桂霞老师的带领下来到57中学交流。From April 29 to May 11, 2016, 16 students from the Confucius Classroom of Italy Dante High School in the leadership of the Vice PrincipalMarzia and Chinese Teacher QiaoGuixia visited Beijing 57 Middle School for exchanges.

??? 学校邀请什刹海体校武术教练对课堂学生进行了太极拳培训,还安排了中文、陶艺制作、瓦当制作、书法等课程。此外安排师生访问国家汉办,进行文化学习和体验。今年是孔子课堂成立五周年,学校还举行了孔子课堂周年庆典,在庆典中孔子课堂学生表演了中文诗歌朗诵、中国歌曲、魔术、钢琴独奏,同时进行了中国书法展示,孔子课堂的学生代表Davide、Aron和Anna同学还用中文汇报了他们在中国、在57中学学习的感受。意大利学生的精彩表现和流利的中文让出席汇报演出的师生和家长赞不绝口。我们共同期待我们的孔子课堂有更加精彩的明天!
The school invited martial arts instructors from the Shichahai Sports School to conduct Taijiquan training for students of the Confucius Classroom. Chinese courses, pottery production courses, eaves tile production courses and calligraphy courses have also been arranged. In addition, teachers and students have been arranged to visit the Hanban for cultural learning and experiencing. This year is the fifth anniversary of the Confucius Classroom, and the school also held an anniversary celebration. During the celebration, students of the Confucius Classroom performed Chinese poetry recitation, Chinese songs, magic, piano solo and Chinese calligraphy exhibitions. Davide, Aron and Anna, students representatives of the Confucius Classroom, also reported their learning experience in China and in Beijing 57 Middle School in Chinese.The excellent performance of the Italian students and their fluent Chinese gained praises from the teachers, students and parents attended the celebration. We look forward to a more excellent tomorrow of our Confucius Classroom!

??? 孔子课堂学生Pietro交流感受:Exchange Experience of the Confucius Classroom student Pietro:多么美好的一段经历!What a wonderful experience!我没有想到这两周中我学到这么多的东西。中国是一个美丽的国家:由于它悠久的文化、由于它丰富的美食、由于它热情的人们!我没有想到在这里受到这样的欢迎!I did not expect that I would have learned so much in these two weeks. China is such a beautiful country for its long culture, its rich cuisine, and its enthusiastic people! I did not expect to be so welcomed here!

??? 这样的经历让你的思维开阔!这样的经历让你成长!我会和我身边的人讲述这次中国之行—我所经历的最棒的旅行。我想我永远不会忘怀!谢谢57中学给我这个机会!This experience makes your mind open! This experience allows you to grow! I will tell people around me about this trip to China - the best travel that I have ever had. I think I will never forget! Thanks Beijing 57 Middle School to give me this opportunity!?

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