

时间:2017-01-10 05:01:49

??? 2016年9月,我校迎来了两位新的英国外教, Bharti老师任教初一年级、初二年级口语课,英国文化选修课。Richard老师任教初三年级、1+3实验班、高一年级口语课,英国文化选修课和英式足球选修课。此外,他们还给学校教师子女开设了少儿英语口语和幼儿英语口语课程。两位老师每次上课都是精心准备自己授课内容和教学方法,严谨的教学作风令人钦佩!

??? In September 2016, two new British teachers began to teach in our school. Teacher Bharti taught the spoken English course of Junior One and Junior Two, as well as the British culture optional course. Teacher Richard taught the spoken English course of Junior Three, 1+3 experimental class, and Senior One, the British culture optional course and British football optional course. In addition, they also opened children spoken English and kids spoken English course for offspring of school teachers. The two teachers carefully prepared their teaching content and teaching methods for each class. Their rigorous teaching style is admirable!

??? Firstly, I would like to thank the principle, Ms Liu Fang, and the English department of Beijing No. 57 Middle School for your great help in my teaching in the school. I have enjoyed every moment and I love teaching and inspiring the students to learn English. I hope to stay in contact with all the new friends I have made during my year in China.?---Bharti

??? 首先,我想感谢校长、刘芳老师以及57中英语教研组。在我在57中任教期间,他们给予了我的巨大的帮助。我非常享受在这里的每一分每一秒。我喜欢英语教学这份工作,也喜欢激励学生学习英语。我希望能和我的中国朋友一直保持联系。---芭媞老师


??? Its been an honour to teach English to the students at Beijing No. 57, and I am very grateful to the principal, Ms Liu Fang and all the teachers for making me feel so welcome. Im learning a great deal about Chinese culture and life, while seeing some really beautiful places and meeting very special people. Its an experience that will be with me all my life.--Richard

??? 能够给57中学的学生教英语是我的荣幸!我非常感谢校长、刘芳老师和学校所有的老师,是他们给予了我宾至如归的感觉!我对中国文化和中国人的生活有了更深的了解,同时我也欣赏到了中国很多的美景并见到了很多与众不同的人们。这段经历将让我终身难以忘怀!-理查德老师

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