

时间:2017-01-10 04:06:27

??? 2016年3月22日至3月31日英国伦敦的两所友好学校师生共24人来我校交流学习访问。在57中学,英国师生充分与我校师生互动和交流,分组进入初一年级和高一年级进行英国文化介绍,我校各班的学生也用英文介绍中国文化,并给英国学生准备了有中国特色的礼物。在交流中,两校师生增进了友谊和相互间了解。交流中英国师生感受着中国文化的魅力,体会着和中国朋友及接待家庭间的真挚情谊。中国学生也感受到英国文化的魅力!美,不期而遇!

??? From March 22 to March 31, 2016,a total of 24 teachers and students from two sister schools in London came to our school for exchange learning and visit.In Beijing 57 Middle School, the British teachers and students fully interacted with the teachers and students of our school. They separately introduced the British culture in Junior one and Senior One. Our students of each class also introduced Chinese culture in English and prepared gifts of Chinese characteristics for the British students. In the exchange, teachers and students of the two schools enhanced friendship and mutual understanding. In the exchange, the British teachers and students felt the charm of Chinese culture and experienced the sincere friendship with their Chinese friends and host families. Chinese students also felt the charm of the British culture! Beauty, an unexpected encounter!

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