

时间:2015-11-04 03:22:51

2013年10月12日至18日,新西兰碍补辫颈迟颈??颁辞濒濒别驳别一行8人来我校访问。From October 12 to 18 in 2013, 8 persons from New Zealand Kapiti College came to visit our school.在短短的一周中,新西兰师生受到了我校师生的热烈欢迎,在独特的新西兰文化日中,中外学生热情互动,加深了互相的了解。In a simply one week, the teachers and students from New Zealand were warmly welcomed by our school’s teachers and students. In the unique New Zealand cultural festival, the domestic and foreign students interacted enthusiastically, which improved the mutual understanding.在57中,他们学习中国书法、画扇面、包饺子、参观天坛、到秀水街购物,感受到了浓郁的中国文化。In 57 School, they learned Chinese calligraphy, painting sectors, making Chinese dumplings, as well as visited Temple of Heaven and shopped in Xiushui Street, by which they had felt the rich Chinese culture.

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