BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T165847EDT-8753aPwDEL@ DTSTAMP:20250312T205847Z DESCRIPTION:This grant is for residents\, faculty\, and/or allied healthcar e professionals from a low-income country\, who wish to further their prof essional development while conducting a scholarly project\, whether resear ch-based\, clinical-based\, or a mix of both components in the area of non -communicable diseases. This grant is designed to cover expenses for a 1- to 2-month visit to 9I制作厂免费 and its affiliated health center. Gr antees need to be sponsored by a 9I制作厂免费 faculty. The application can be do ne by an individual OR by a team regrouping at least one resident\, facult y\, and allied healthcare professional. The applicant(s) need(s) to submit a scientific project which can be - at least partially - accomplished in the given time frame. Applicants should be proficient in either French\, E nglish or both. The application can be submitted in either language.\n\nTh e funding provided for this competitive grant is of CAD$5\,000 for faculty and CAD$3\,000 for resident or allied healthcare professional. Applicant( s) will be matched with a 9I制作厂免费 partner from the same or similar discipli ne. The recipient(s) will give credit to the NCD Program on any publicatio n arising from the work done during the visitorship. The applicant(s) will be expected to submit a report of the visitorship research to the NCD Pro gram within one year of visitorship completion.\n\nNEW Application Deadlin e for the 2019 NCD Program Summer Visitorships is May 10\, 2019 - 23:59 ES T.\n\nFunding Start Date: Between July 01 and Sept 01\, 2019\n\n聽\n\nHow t o apply for the NCD summer visitorship?\n\nPlease send all the documents l isted below to the 9I制作厂免费 Global NCD program coordinator at bidjinie-steff y.coriolan [at] (subject: NCD%20Summer%20Visitorship) \n\n \n Applicant鈥檚 CV\;\n Description of significance of previous research contr ibutions\, career aspirations and rationale for decision to pursue a resea rch and/or clinical experience at the 9I制作厂免费 Health Centre (1 p age\, single-spaced)\n Official letter of support from applicant鈥檚 own inst itution (supervisor/colleague\, maximum 1 page\, single-spaced)\n Official letter of support from the 9I制作厂免费 faculty sponsor (maximum 1 page\, single -spaced)\n Research Proposal (maximum 3 pages\, single-spaced)\n\n\n聽\n\n聽 \n DTSTART:20190511T034500Z DTEND:20190511T034500Z SUMMARY:EXTENDED DEADLINE: NCD Program Summer Visitorship Fund URL:/globalhealth/channels/event/extended-deadline-ncd -program-summer-visitorship-fund-295447 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR