

Negotiation update: MCLIU (Course Lecturers/Instructors)

Published: 4 December 2018

Since the last update, the parties met nine times for half-day negotiation sessions. These meetings were the occasion for the parties to initiate the exchange of proposals to address the issues related to the application of the reserve clause. This clause was the subject of many grievances during the life of the first agreement and is a significant source of disagreement between the parties.

During these nine meetings, the parties shared proposals and counter proposals in this matter and as of today, no agreement was reached. These proposals are redefining the categories of posting exclusions, the context under which they are to be used as well as certain limitations. Some proposals and counter proposals were also made relative to the manner in which pending grievances would be addressed and resolved.

The progress is limited, however the parties remain committed to finding solutions in their respective best interest. The next meeting is scheduled for December 5.

This update is meant to inform the community about ongoing negotiations and has been validated by the union.

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